Why we are going to block Tor IPs

Published on July 5, 2020 by

tl;dr: Nothing ever good comes out of Tor.

We are going to block Tor IP addresses from signup, login, and search starting on July 5, 2020. Our reasons are rooted in:

  1. Tor Hidden Services Are a Failed Technology, Harming Children, Dissidents and Journalists. Read this blog post by lawfare.
  2. According to our own investigation, Tor hidden services are full of spam websites.
  3. Tor exit nodes are known to snoop on user’s traffic, try to decrypt it where they can and mine it.
  4. The Tor network is more often than not used as proxy for hacking, spam and fraud. This is unwanted traffic. According to CloudFlare “94% of requests that we see across the Tor network are per se malicious”.

We have published the code that we use to detect Tor IPs as open source: https://github.com/IntelligenceX/ip2tor

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