Indexing new “whois” data

Published on January 9, 2020 by

We are constantly indexing the latest whois data for our whois category. “Whois” data contains information about domain ownership.

We recently indexed the whois data for October, November, and December 2019 which resulted in 21,168,724 selectors. We analyzed a small sample set (1 day, 2019-11-29) and these are the results:

75% of the data is whois protected, which means that the information about the owner (name, email address, postal address) is not available. Often, that data is simply replaced with “Redacted For Privacy” or other dummy data.

However, the other 25% is not whois protected. Here is a breakdown by registrant country:


When looking at TLDs, there were interestingly no domains from some TLDs like DE and AT. This could be an indicator that the actual number of privacy protected domains might be higher than 75%.

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