We are excited to announce our new Software Development Kit. It is free and can be used by anyone to integrate Intelligence X into their project. Whether it’s a website, service, or local program, you can use our versatile API to enrich your data and provide additional context.
The SDK is published here: https://github.com/IntelligenceX/SDK.
It contains the following components:
There are many use cases for using the API of Intelligence X:
The Intelligence X search supports the following selectors:
There are many use cases, whether it be for your product, website, or internally. The SDK is free to use.
The HTML code is 100 lines and allows you to integrate the search engine into your website. Here is an example search for a Bitcoin address: 1GHKDgQX7hqTM7mMmiiUvgihGMHtvNJqTv. This was recently used as part of bomb threat emails.
If you operate a Bitcoin blockchain explorer, then you can use the API to query any results for the Bitcoin address and show it directly to your users on your service to provide them with additional context.
There is a command-line program “ix” as part of the SDK, which takes the first argument and queries all the results. Its source code is part of the SDK (written in Go) and can be compiled both for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
We are happy to add support for additional programming languages to our SDK, as well as other features and functionality.
If you have any feedback, we’d love to hear from you. Please write us at: info@intelx.io.